My latest Dotee is for the group swap "F is for * Dotee". I have made an all (well, mostly all) felt Dotee. My first!
Even her hanger and tail are felt.
Last year, I started a quilt for the bed in the travel trailer using this Crosswalk Quilt pattern from MSQC (Missouri Star Quilt Company). I ran out of thread and stopped on the project. Well, now that the Studio is ready for creating I decided this would be the first project to pick up. Not that we will need a quilt on that bed for a while...
I really, really feel like I bought the thread I used at Walmart. But, I have checked two Walmarts and they do not carry this thread any more. Now it's time to do a little more research and find some on-line so I can get back to work on this one. If I can learn how to use my quilter I just might make this the first quilt I do myself.

Billy and I love Las Vegas. And when we go to Las Vegas we have a bar we love to go to. It's the "5 o'clock Somewhere" Bar in the Margaritaville Casino/Flamingo. This is where our favorite Flair Bartender Billy Zurisk works. He's a great guy. Last July when Billy and I were in Vegas I mentioned to Billy Z I was retiring. BZ asked me what I was going to do and I told him I like to quilt. He said he had a girlfriend that turned him on to quilting and he wanted to try to make one. (Note: He has since made a baby quilt for a friend of his) He has a VLOG I follow. One day I was watching one of the videos and was inspired. Billy wears a lot of rainbow tie dyed shirts and I thought a rainbow Jelly Roll Race quilt would be cool. Sooooo.....I bought this Kona Solids jelly roll with the intention of making a quilt and giving it to BZ when we go to Vegas this December. I hope to have it completed before the July retreat with "Sisters Break Free" but, if not, I can make it then.

On a side note...I was going to mow yesterday afternoon and happen to see Biscuit (our cat) having an afternoon snack of a little garter (I think) snake.
I forgot to mention, I joined the Gun Barrel Quilters Guild! They meet the 2nd Wednesday of every month and this month was my first meeting. They just had their quilt show and there were several other new members to join. They do several "meetups" a month and today, I'm going to "Proquiltinators". This is a group that meets up at Cassy's (a member of the Gun Barrel Quilters Guild). She has a place that sounds like my Studio except she just has room for folks doing hand work. No sewing machines. I'm excited to meet more new folks and maybe learn a lot.
Happy Crafting,